Thursday, May 6, 2010

Plants on Animal's slope

Here are photos of the plants that are on the slope. I hope they'll look as wonderful as they do in these photos (that are not mine -- but from the person who sent me the seeds -- Jonna in Belgium. His site is

Up top, we have Tolpis barbata (European umbrella milkwort):

Intermingling with the Tolpis, there is Tanacetum vulgare (Tansy):

Then, down at the bottom right (as you're facing the slope from the street), we've got Centaurea macrocephala (Yellow Hardhead or Bighead Knapweed) and Leonurus sibiricus (Siberian motherwort or Honeyweed):

At the bottom of the slope, in the middle-ish area, there's Telekia speciosa (Heartleaf Oxeye):

Finally, on the left hand side towards the bottom of the slope, we've got Cyanara cardunculus (Cardoon or Artichoke Thistle):

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