Monday, September 22, 2008

'Member Power Rangers?

I don't really. Or, well, what I remember is not getting it. What's with the face shields? Don't they have eyes? Why not "Nice Polite Rangers"? Or at least a Ranger with hair that you can brush and comes with lip gloss.

Somehow, a pair of Power Ranger pajamas made its way into the house. (Who gave those to us? Chuck?? Linda??) My son Aaron very much understood the Rangers. He was, of course, a Power Ranger. That's him, age three.

Now Aaron is 17 and sometimes has hair you can brush. So, I guess it all works out.

1 comment:

kkbookmom said...

Oh do I ever! Both of my kids were into Power Rangers. My son and daughter both wore the PJs, wanted to see the show and movies, owned a couple of action figures.. the whole gammit.